Tuesday, August 11, 2009
But is it right? - My comment
The Indians had this land before us and we came in a claimed this land for our own. Don’t get me wrong I love the US and being a US citizen for my 39 years on this earth has been wonderful. But, the immigrants that are migrating to the US are looking for the same thing that our great-great-great grandparents were looking for, and that is freedom!
And in saying all of that, I do believe that there have been a lot of immigrants in this country that are here illegally. All that we ask is that you become a citizen and pay taxes like we do. I was born here so I’m grandfathered in. But I would take the test to become a citizen if it came to that.
According to the CNN.com article “Could you pass the new citizenship test?” The Government says, “The new test has more concept-based civics, history questions. But Immigrant advocates say, “Changes may strain stretched-thin civics programs.” They are changing questions from "How many stars are there on our flag?" and "Name the amendments that guarantee or address voting rights." To such questions like: "There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them," and "What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?"
Seems easy for me being that I have lived here all my life took History and Government classes in school. But for someone that does not speak English or has not lived here these might seem like scary questions. But if the roles were reversed, how many questions could you get on a Citizenship test if you wanted to become the citizen of Mexico?
Monday, August 3, 2009
Tax Hike, Smack Hike!
If your one of the lucky ones that make less than $250,000, then you’re going to be OK say politicians. They have said, “If you make under $250,000, you will not see your taxes increased by a single dime.” Do we really believe this and take it at face value? I heard someone say once, “No new taxes!” And what did we get!
Our President is trying to get us out of the slump we have been in, since the last President. I will not name any names, but his initials are “George W. Bush”. What, with the spending on the Iraq War and the recent talks about going to the Moon, again. Can’t we spend the money on something that will be worth it?
Someone please tell me there are far better places to go than to the moon? We’ve been there before. It’s a barren land. Nothing is there except “Our Flag”, and a rover. Let’s stay in America and help the 46 million people that do not have Health Care Insurance.
“No new Taxes!” that’s my slogan. I’m going make bumpers stickers and t-shirts and get the word out. We have to stop this; we need to save money… I’ve got it, let’s all switch to Geico!
Our health care and our country by the blog "US Goverment"
I would agree with this on several points. Health care has been the talk of the town lately and there needs to be something done about it, and fast. Americans without health insurance is on the rise and a no cost health plan would be beneficial to those that do not have health insurance.
Kids need this type of program more than ever. There are millions of kids with debilitating diseases and no health insurance. Or they have been denied based on a pre-existing condition, how is this fair at all? Emergency visits are sometimes a must for lots of people that do not have or can afford insurance.
The U.S. should step back and look at the “Health” of America. It is declining every day. With H1N1, AIDS as well as cancer. The later are very costly to treat and without insurance Americans will go broke paying for costly medical bills when there are solutions that the government can implement.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Sarah Palin’s Lame Duck Recipe
On her last day as Governor, Sarah Palin served food to waiting people in Anchorage. I’m wondering if this will be a foreshadowing of things to come for Sarah Palin. She left people wondering why and how could she leave office after only 2 years. I’m asking myself the same thing.
She stated in her speech, “LIFE is about choices!” Well Sarah, I think you’ve made a bad choice, in my opinion. What will be next for her? Some say she will run for President in 2012, but this has not been substantiated. And as of late her political committee has raised 1 million dollars. So what is she going to do with this money? Campaign for the 2012 Presidency?
McCains campaign was not helped by her being his Vice President nominee. This nominee pick was a complete surprise. I had not heard of Sarah Palin until she was nominated. Which I guess is the way it is if you’re not on the political front all the time. Who is going to vote for her? I know she has followers, most are in Alaska. But I’m not sure she would get the majority vote.
How is she going to help Alaska if she is not in a political position? This makes no since to me, as did most of her press conferences and media interviews. I think the foreshadowing that I mentioned earlier will be her coup de grace. I see the “golden arches” calling. Or maybe she can be a stunt double for Tina Fey.
I have health insurance through my employer and believe that unlike most insurance plans, mine is very good and pays for a lot of things that normal insurance does not already. Like IUI, IVF (to some extent). Health Care Reform will most likely be a hot topic for some time and a thorn in everyone’s sides. I do also believe that some insurance plans are very expensive and do not cover a large portion of medical ailments.
I do not however feel that she should lump car insurance and health insurance in the same category, they are 2 different animals and should be kept as such. Her statement regarding car insurance, “This would be like requiring all car insurance to cover the cost of gasoline, oil and tire changes”. Does have merit, in that if they cover one thing in this plan they should cover the entire thing. Not just cover the car itself but also the amenities that go along with it.
She has geared her article I believe to all people, but most for the benefit of Democrats and to the Obama supporters. The meaning of health insurance is not just for emergencies only. Some medical procedures are very expensive and health insurance is there to provide support for them. Your out of pocket costs would be outrageous if you didn’t have insurance.
In closing health insurance should be offered to anyone that works, provided to them by their employers. But if you have to get your own health insurance there should be a cap on what you have to pay to get it. Everyone needs to be able to provide for their families and should not have to worry about health insurance, and the health of their families.
Monday, July 20, 2009
The Obama Agenda Bogs Down
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Health care overhaul clears divided Senate committee
Monday, June 29, 2009
Where do you fit? Your Results
Liberal Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you most closely resemble survey respondents within the Liberal typology group. This does not mean that you necessarily fit every group characteristic or agree with the group on all issues. Liberals represent 17 percent of the American public, and 19 percent of registered voters. Basic Description
Defining Values
Who They Are
Lifestyle Notes
2004 Election
Party ID
Media Use
Note: All descriptions and percentages are based on the national sample of adults surveyed by telephone in December. Based on your answers to the survey questions, you most closely resemble survey respondents within this group, even though you may differ significantly on one or more issues or traits. In the overall typology there is a ninth group called “Bystanders” who are defined as adults who are not registered, who do not follow news about government and public affairs, and who say they rarely or never vote. |