Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sarah Palin’s Lame Duck Recipe

Sarah Palin’s Lame Duck Recipe:
On her last day as Governor, Sarah Palin served food to waiting people in Anchorage. I’m wondering if this will be a foreshadowing of things to come for Sarah Palin. She left people wondering why and how could she leave office after only 2 years. I’m asking myself the same thing.

She stated in her speech, “LIFE is about choices!” Well Sarah, I think you’ve made a bad choice, in my opinion. What will be next for her? Some say she will run for President in 2012, but this has not been substantiated. And as of late her political committee has raised 1 million dollars. So what is she going to do with this money? Campaign for the 2012 Presidency?

McCains campaign was not helped by her being his Vice President nominee. This nominee pick was a complete surprise. I had not heard of Sarah Palin until she was nominated. Which I guess is the way it is if you’re not on the political front all the time. Who is going to vote for her? I know she has followers, most are in Alaska. But I’m not sure she would get the majority vote.

How is she going to help Alaska if she is not in a political position? This makes no since to me, as did most of her press conferences and media interviews. I think the foreshadowing that I mentioned earlier will be her coup de grace. I see the “golden arches” calling. Or maybe she can be a stunt double for Tina Fey.

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