Monday, August 3, 2009

Our health care and our country by the blog "US Goverment"

The blog titled Our health care and our country,,,, by the Blog Site U.S. Government talks about the state of the Health Care system in our Country. It explains the need for health care reform, by sighting the French and their no cost Health Care.

I would agree with this on several points. Health care has been the talk of the town lately and there needs to be something done about it, and fast. Americans without health insurance is on the rise and a no cost health plan would be beneficial to those that do not have health insurance.

Kids need this type of program more than ever. There are millions of kids with debilitating diseases and no health insurance. Or they have been denied based on a pre-existing condition, how is this fair at all? Emergency visits are sometimes a must for lots of people that do not have or can afford insurance.

The U.S. should step back and look at the “Health” of America. It is declining every day. With H1N1, AIDS as well as cancer. The later are very costly to treat and without insurance Americans will go broke paying for costly medical bills when there are solutions that the government can implement.

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