Monday, August 3, 2009

Tax Hike, Smack Hike!

With the talk in the news now of a tax hike people are getting worried. As well they should be worried. A tax hike for some people is not that big a deal if you’re rolling in money. Or made of money for that matter, but for some it is a real burden. I already hear the cringing effects now!

If your one of the lucky ones that make less than $250,000, then you’re going to be OK say politicians. They have said, “If you make under $250,000, you will not see your taxes increased by a single dime.” Do we really believe this and take it at face value? I heard someone say once, “No new taxes!” And what did we get!

Our President is trying to get us out of the slump we have been in, since the last President. I will not name any names, but his initials are “George W. Bush”. What, with the spending on the Iraq War and the recent talks about going to the Moon, again. Can’t we spend the money on something that will be worth it?

Someone please tell me there are far better places to go than to the moon? We’ve been there before. It’s a barren land. Nothing is there except “Our Flag”, and a rover. Let’s stay in America and help the 46 million people that do not have Health Care Insurance.

“No new Taxes!” that’s my slogan. I’m going make bumpers stickers and t-shirts and get the word out. We have to stop this; we need to save money… I’ve got it, let’s all switch to Geico!

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