Sunday, July 26, 2009


Ann Coulters article “TAKE TWO ASPIRIN AND CALL ME WHEN YOUR CANCER IS STAGE 4” talks about the governments interference in the Health Care Reform. I believe that Ann has several valid points when talking about health reform. She states that governments have already created such programs, such as “Medicare, Medicaid, veterans' hospitals, emergency rooms and tax-deductible employer-provided health care”.

I have health insurance through my employer and believe that unlike most insurance plans, mine is very good and pays for a lot of things that normal insurance does not already. Like IUI, IVF (to some extent). Health Care Reform will most likely be a hot topic for some time and a thorn in everyone’s sides. I do also believe that some insurance plans are very expensive and do not cover a large portion of medical ailments.

I do not however feel that she should lump car insurance and health insurance in the same category, they are 2 different animals and should be kept as such. Her statement regarding car insurance, “This would be like requiring all car insurance to cover the cost of gasoline, oil and tire changes”. Does have merit, in that if they cover one thing in this plan they should cover the entire thing. Not just cover the car itself but also the amenities that go along with it.

She has geared her article I believe to all people, but most for the benefit of Democrats and to the Obama supporters. The meaning of health insurance is not just for emergencies only. Some medical procedures are very expensive and health insurance is there to provide support for them. Your out of pocket costs would be outrageous if you didn’t have insurance.

In closing health insurance should be offered to anyone that works, provided to them by their employers. But if you have to get your own health insurance there should be a cap on what you have to pay to get it. Everyone needs to be able to provide for their families and should not have to worry about health insurance, and the health of their families.

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