Thursday, July 16, 2009

Health care overhaul clears divided Senate committee

Health care reform in the United States is always a hot topic of debate between Democrats and Republicans, no one ever sees eye to eye. But one proposal on the health care system passed a Senate committee. According to Sen. Edward Kennedy, its chairman, said, "We have done the hard work that the American people sent us here to do." If passed this would allow government-run health insurance programs, it would also require companies with more than 25 employees to provide medical coverage for their workers. This in my opinion is a big deal. Health care is a must in this day and age. Otherwise the out of pocket cots for Insurance would be outrageous. It would set up an "exchange" to let people choose from a variety of insurance options. Republicans are calling it a failure. So who is right? This is the purpose of the senate/congress to vote on hard issues that not everyone agrees on. Obama believes that this would offer stability as well as security to Americans. This article is worth reading. You may or may not agree on all points of Health Care Reform but this county needs some type of health care that is affordable and easy for all Americans. The article's link is located here Health care overhaul